Health: I have gotten my teeth dealt with. Liquid diet for most of the week, but only a few twinges since Saturday. It was not easy, but the benefits cover many more areas than just my mouth. Next: meds/pain control/surgery. 3/5
Communication: I have done well these past weeks about communicating with my boss and family and roomies. Not perfect, but definitely better than before. 4/5
Resources: Broke for the first time in what feels like a long time, and while I have the energy and most of the time to do what I need to, the funds shortfall can be harder to deal with. People owe me for lessons taught and I have to be firmer about being paid upfront. I am worth being paid for what I allow and enable in others. 2/5
Creativity: The February Fibbles have been harder to keep up than I would have thought, but it has helped me feel more in touch with ,my creative side and my creative drives. The organisational aspects have been taking priority, but I feel the relief of being able to make and do as I am inspired much more strongly. 5/5
Environment: I have spent most of my time and energy this week on house work and maintenance, and it has paid off massive dividends. I am growing to really enjoy this house. 4/5
Contribution:I have done a lot of work in most areas of my life this week, and feel connected and mostly in control. It is a really good feeling and one I absolutely desire to maintain. 4/5
Legacy: A couple of key conversations have made me feel like I am having a good effect on my world, and I feel like I am getting through to people about the important things. There is more work to do, but I feel very good about the direction things are taking. 4/5
Overview: 29/40
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