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Ass Kicking

 I am at DragonHolm for the week, and in deep and deeper conversations with my mentor and with myself, I have realised a lot of things. This should have been a relaxing trip full of archery shenanigans and sight-seeing walks and wades into the ocean, and instead we have been pretty much stuck inside due to terrible air quality from all the smoke of forest fires up and down the West Coast. I had not really been lamenting the squelching of my aPaD month that is usually full of stunning scenery and wordful worship of the changing seasons, but I had been hopeful the rain last night would clarify the air and bring back the views and visual inspirations for my work... only to stay up very late talking cards and witchwork, and to wake up to a wyrd of a morning.

All of this is good.

I am preparing to take a more consciously Magical approach to my daily life, and to reconnect with all those sacred things I have paid merest lip service to in the last decade or more. To just affirm things, I did a reading for myself, using my solid reliable Golden deck, and yup, no real surprise: it's absolutely the direction I nee dto take, for the improvement not just of my life, but of the world.

Reclaiming power is both exhilarating, and scary. I'm in.


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